Hi, I am Peruvian and I have been living in the USA for more tan 20 years. Poor Peruvian children have always been my worry. I congratulate you for this foundation. I would like to help you as a volunteer, organizing events and/or projects for you from the east of the USA. Please let me know if you have representatives here to contact them and give them my support if needed. Meanwhile, Ill send my contacts this link so that they can know about the existence of this foundation and offer their help. Another question, can people who make donations and/or want to help travel to visit these places taking food supplies, clothes? Do you have a sponsor for each child, like a godmother? – Pilar
Efrain Feldman I want to congratulate you for having had the idea of helping the neediest children from Peru. I would like to join your team and collaborate in some way, as in Miami we have a lot of compatriots who might be very interested in helping you. I would really appreciate that you told me if you already have a contact in this city and if not, I would like to keep in touch with you and collaborate with anything you can need. I hope to receive some information soon and together, get more support for this good work. – Efrain Feldman
Sara – Colorado Hi. My name is Sara and I live in Colorado. I am one of the people who supports what Jimmy Perez Johnson does. I would like to make a monthly donation, but I`ll do it by phone and I also want to congratulate you for creating this foundation. I want to tell you that I made a flyer and I would like you to check it and approve it so that I can contribute, this way, and tell people that there is a foundation here that can help our people. I need you to send me an email so that I can send you the flyer. Thanks for everything. You can count on me. Congratulations. – Sara
Evelyn – unknown I love the website. It’s so beautiful to know that there are still people interested in the little ones, making them smile. – Evelyn
Alexandria – Lodi, New Jersey Hello. I am so happy that you have created this. I would like to help you, maybe sending clothes or many other things for these children who are in real need. Thanks. – Alexandria – Lodi, New Jersey
Carlos – Orlando Florida ‘Congratulations on your great work. Thanks for your time.’ – Carlos
Father Priest Lorenzo from El Carmen Chincha-Peru
ELIANA REYES VILOCHE I want to congratulate all of you on the work done on behalf of these children. I hope GOD gives you the strength not to stop serving poor children in Peru. I saw the report on channels 2 and 4 and I felt very proud of knowing that there are Peruvians living for Peruvians. Well, I want to say goodbye and thank you for everything. – Eliana Reyes
Miguel Chipana H. Im just writing to congratulate you on such extraordinary work you do on behalf of Peruvian children, I did not know about this foundation, but when I saw the report on a TV channel in Peru, I could know about you and I hope I can help some day with this good cause. Regards. Miguel Chipana H.
Magaly Marchena Mr Perez, I want to send my regards and congratulate you on the hard work you have been doing on behalf of the most needed in our country, the children. This is a model that should be copied by many Peruvians who are living abroad to work on charity events on behalf of our Peruvian brothers. We are also doing something similar but not so big. We are grouping resident families in Alabama and are organizing ourselves to support families in extreme poverty in Peru, that´s why we appreciate your labor and we want this could be a stimulus to get together for this purpose.Magaly MarchenaBirmingham, Alabama |
Cesar Isidoro Matias Penaloza Peruvian brothers, I saw the report with the journalist PATRICIA MELGAREJO from Frecuencia Latina and I really feel proud of you and much prouder of being PERUVIAN and I’d like to be there to join strength and contribute in any way in the same humanitarian way you do things. The WORLD and GOD know of the enormous social work you are doing on behalf of our children. I just want to say that GOD takes care of you and each of our Peruvian brothers, please take care, let’s pray so that you keep on with the same strength and perseverant and praiseworthy struggle which deserves our admiration. That’s why I say, Long Live PERU!, Long Live LOS PERUANITOS!Cesar Isidoro Matias Penaloza
Emilio Castillo Jimenez Dear friends from Peruanitos Foundation, today in the morning, I heard you on RPP, and I really want to congratulate you and I really wish you a great success; I think there are many organizations like yours, and, in a way or another, they support our compatriots in need. I want to contact you here in Peru, I know many cases of children in extreme poverty in Pachacutec (Ventanilla-Callao), we could help them somehow. Thank you very much and regards to all of you.Emilio Castillo Jimenez
Cesar Eduardo Guillon Vasquez – ICA PERU Regards to Peruanitos Foundation, I heard of you today on Radio Programas station, and I heard of the labor you are doing without forgetting your roots, because now you are successful people. God and Peru bless you. What else can I say? Just keep on doing the same. – Cesar Eduardo Guillon Vasquez ICA PERU
Mayra Carnero Asencios Good afternoon: First of all, I want to congratulate you on that wonderful work you are doing. I am a university student at De Lima University, from the Faculty of Law, fourth cycle. I´d like to have an interview with you and in that way to have more information about what you are doing.I hope to get a soon answer from you and coordinate a day and time with you.Take care and one more time, CONGRATULATIONSSincerely, Mayra Carnero Asencios
Kike Gomez I want to congratulate you on what you are doing, helping the ones who really need it, many people should do the same. We should think of the others, not only of ourselves. Well, I am the present vocalist of one of the Peruvian groups which has more years working outside the country, I’m talking about LOS PASTELES VEDES with the conductorship of his creator and founder Victor Hugo Acuna Lecca. We know that you are going to find PASTELES everywhere, but we are the original group in its current version, you can check it on our web page www.pastelesverdes.com Here you can get all the necessary information. Last year we signed a contract with UNIVISIONMUSIC and as you will see, it is a serious company for which we had to prove who we were. Well, the reason of this mail is that we’d like you could count on us for this kind of events because we have committed ourselves to help people in need, and much more if they are Peruvian or children. You can contact us on our web page and communicate with Victor who is the conductor or with me. You have my mail, thanks for your attention and we hope indeed to help in these noble causes.One more time, congratulations and go ahead. God bless you.Kike GomezVirginia US
Ana Aranibar – Presidenta, Asoc. Mujer Tierra Viva Receive our sincere congratulations on your praiseworthy labor on behalf of unprotected children. We belong to a non-profit association that was set up to offer shelter to mothers and children who were victims of abuse and maltreatment in the district of Puente Piedra, Lima.We also have a workshop for children where they learn through games, different activities such as drawing, music, etc. The children who participate have lives full of hardship and they also need your help. I wish you had some donations to share with them.One more time, receive our congratulations,Sincerely, Ana Araníbar Asociación Mujer Tierra Viva President
Atte Angela LIMA-PERU When we come across an abandoned child, we are used to saying poor and keep on, indifference does not change things. This is not my case. Id like to collaborate without any personal interest. I do not have money, but I could be a voluntary, I could help organize an event. Id appreciate if you could contact me. – Atte Angela LIMA-PERU
La presente es para saludarlos y felicitarlos por la labor que..
Estimados senores, La presente es para saludarlos y felicitarlos por la labor que realizan. Yo, desde hace casi 20 annos realizo labor social, primero con los Laicos del Buen Pastor y desde hace mas o menos 7 annos que resido en San Bartolo, hago labor social con los ninos y mujeres de los asentamientos humanos de la zona. Tenemos muchos casos como los que ustedes describen. Quisiera tener contacto con ustedes para ver la posibilidad de unir fuerzas para poder brindarles una mejor calidad de vida a estos ninos. Aqui en el asentamiento humano hemos creado el Club Alegria y Vida y tratamos de darles espacios que no pueden ser llevados a cabos en sus escuelas. Y los que por un motivo u otro no van a la escuela, tambien tienen una ayuda en educacion, salud y recreacion en las tardes, de acuerdo a nuestras escasas posibilidades economicas. Habria mucho mas que decirles, pero si asi Dios lo permite, eso seria cuando podamos establecer una real comunicacion. A la espera de sus gratas noticias, me despido de ustedes, Atentamente, Adriana Norma Silva de Pletikosic