In Zarumilla, a village northwest of Peru which is near the border with Ecuador, lived about 25 little boys who had been rescued from the harsh street life and were in a shelter that lacked basic amenities of daily living.
In Zarumilla, a village northwest of Peru which is near the border with Ecuador, lived about 25 little boys who had been rescued from the harsh street life and were in a shelter that lacked basic amenities of daily living.
You can also help: provides your contribution in California restaurants With great success of our boxes that are still receiving donations provided by people of goodwill who leave their generous donation in the following restaurants in California properly identified: If
To the long list of restaurants that so far support the collection of donations in California, the very well-known tourist restaurant Kotosh, located in Lomita CA, joins this campaign. Our gratitude to all these establishments which are collaborating with us in
Participants in California’s collection From this month, we are increasing the number of little boxes for donations that can be found in the following restaurants in California properly identified: 1- Don Felix Rest. (Virgil Ave.) 2- Don Felix Rest. (Fountain